Monday, June 12, 2006


Blow a trolls tiny little mind. Don't follow them down the fork in the road they want to take. Refuse to go along and watch the fun. Stay on your chosen path and enjoy the confusion as the little rat runs around the maze trying to keep up with you.

They're not that smart. The smart little Republicans are all making real money somewhere else. And there aren't that many smart Republicans. Would they have let Douglas J. Feith* run anything if there were more of them?

See remark in "Nestlings". He's another fine product of Georgetown and Harvard.

Would they have let Douglas J. Feith* run anything if there were more of them?

Actually they would, provided they were only smart about making profits in the short term. Stupid governance makes certain people a lot of money ... jus' sayin'
Truer words have never been written. But they don't send the best crooks into government. Gore Vidal once said that he and George H.W. Bush went to Andover because that's where the elite sent their sons if they were going to have to make money. I can't remember where the true elite went but think it was Groton.
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